How many of you have heard the term "metabolic health"? It's becoming a crucial topic, with influencers and health professionals raising concerns about chronic diseases that could significantly harm our economy.
Currently, 63.4% of children have poor metabolic health, and 28% are diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Shockingly, 93% of adults are in “suboptimal” metabolic health, with 43% having metabolic syndrome. These chronic illnesses not only shorten lifespan but also diminish healthy years, affecting organs and leading to disabilities that can prevent people from working. This raises serious economic questions about who will support these individuals when they can’t provide for their families.
With so many children struggling, we need a change. Recently, a protest at Kellogg's demanded the removal of artificial dyes from children's cereals, which can cause neurological issues. A diet heavy in processed foods isn’t sustainable for good health.
While some may see my strict feeding approach for my daughter as extreme, I believe all children deserve a healthy start. For adults, it’s never too late to improve your health—start by reading labels and avoiding added sugars. Small changes can make a big difference.